Sunday, April 15, 2012

Holy Week Batman

Last weekend we just experienced my favorite holiday, Easter. Easter is one of those holidays that last all week, let me explain. Have you ever wondered why all the extra days? Don't we just need one day to get chocolate and look for eggs? (thank you Wal-mart for ruining the resurrection) I do like chocolate and every once in a while I'll enjoy a boiled egg or two. I think people all over the world have missed the point and don't know what Easter is truly about. Step into my time machine and go back with me...back to a time when thongs were sandals.

Can you think of a better way to end your ministry than what we call Holy Week? Up to this time Jesus had turned water to wine, made a blind man see and He brought people back to life. These are just a few of the many miracles He performed. He spoke with such authority and confidence that people wanted to follow Him just to listen. So much authority that the Clerics and Priests of the day felt threatened. The final week of Jesus' earthly life was a whirlwind of activity.

The week begins with Palm Sunday when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the colt of a donkey. The people were shouting "Hosanna" and waving and laying down palm branches before Him. Jesus knew the same people that were praising Him would soon be crying out for Him to be crucified. He didn't come to kick out the Romans as the people thought. He came to fulfill His destiny on the cross. If there happened to be someone that didn't know Jesus arrived; they sure knew after He entered the Temple. Jesus cleansed the Temple by chasing off the money changers and flipping tables. Several people had "set up shop" and turned the Tabernacle into an indoor mall. This didn't go over too well with Jesus. After everything had been cleared up the blind and lame came to Him and He healed them. This made the Clerics and Priests furious and they began to look for a way to arrest Jesus.

On Tuesday Jesus predicted His execution and argued with the Priests answering their questions that eventually lead to His arrest. Meanwhile back at the Temple Judas completed the contract to betray Jesus and identify Him to the Romans.

Maundy Thursday is one of those days that some wonder is there was some kind of horrible mispelling. That afternoon Jesus dined with His disciples in the upper room. I know you've seen the picture made famous by Leonardo Da Vinci. During this meal Jesus introduced communion to symbolize the crucifixion so that we may never forget His sacrifice. I have heard two different perspectives on what this day meant. One, it's Jesus' way to show His disciples humility and service by washing their feet. Two, it signifies how we turned/turn our back on Him. Think about it. This day will end horribly for Jesus. He told the disciples that the one who dips bread with will be the one who betrays Him. Judas was sitting next to Jesus so He meant that literally. Things were falling into place, just as scripture said.

Later that evening Jesus took three disciples, Peter, John and James to the Garden of Gethsemane. I feel this next scene was the best proof we have of Jesus' human side. After leaving the three disciples to watch, Jesus found a quiet spot and prayed. Matthew 26:39 “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” The bible tells us that Jesus was very troubled and uneasy about what He was sent to do. It was here that Judas led a group of Roman guards to arrest Jesus.

After He was arrested, Jesus was passed around to different government officials. They knew that they had nothing against Him so they finally decided to allow the people to decide His fate. Crucify Him, they shouted. The same people that cried out Hosanna are now demanding His death. Pilate (the Governor) offered the people a choice, Jesus or a man named Barabbas. Barabbas was a known and convicted killer. The people chose him to be released instead of Jesus. I'm not going to get into the torture and beating Jesus took before He was hung on the cross. I will say that most average men wouldn't have survived it. Jesus was tired from no sleep and was made to carry His own cross. He was already bloody from the beating. It's believed that Jesus hung on the cross for about 3 hours before His death. Without trying to get all medically technical, the cause of Jesus' death was a broken heart...literally. His heart exploded. At that precise time, Jesus took on the sin of the world. God, the Father, turned His back on His son and allowed Him to die bearing all that sin. No wonder His heart exploded. This moment in time changed everything. Time as they knew it was now different. We would now use AD instead of BC. The curtain that kept us from God was now torn and gone. The sky turned black as night for 6 hours. No more would we have to sacrifice animals for forgiveness, the blood of Christ covered all of that now.

Jesus, God's son, was now dead, filled with the sin of all man kind. Sin has no place in the presence of a perfect God so Jesus was sent to Hell. In Hell Jesus proved His power over evil and defeated Satan. Revelation 1:18 I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades.

Finally on the third day Jesus proved to the world He was who He said He was...the son of God. He rose from the dead. Death had been defeated, sin had been conquered through His blood. Direct access to God had been given to us through Jesus. I'm so thankful Jesus did this for me, now I don't have to face eternity in Hell. I know there's probably a better way to tell this story and help you understand.

If you would like to learn more about these events that changed the world read Luke 19:28 to the end of luke, chapter 24.



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