Wednesday, June 27, 2012

From the mouths of Babes.

I realize it's Wednesday evening and I haven't posted anything in a week and a half.  Last week I spent the whole week with 128 middle school students.  You'd think God would speak to me to write about the 27 decisions to accept Christ, or maybe the fact that we haven't seen those kind of numbers in almost 10 years.  I could write about how God spoke through the kids when they gave over $1800 towards the mission.  So many great and wonderful things happened, so many moments God showed His face...but that wasn't what God laid on my heart.  God has never been about numbers, well, I take that back.  One number comes to mind...ALL.  God wants all to hear about Him, to understand Him and to accept Him as their Lord and Savior. 

Last Wednesday night we were priviledged to hear the word of God from Braden Etcheson.  Braden explained good and bad in a way that made complete sense to everyone.  I know this may sound silly, everyone knows about good and bad.  Think about it this way, picture a bold line drawn down the center of your life.  On the right you have beautiful clear blue water.  The water is so pristine you can see the bottom for what seems to be miles.  The sand leading to the waters is perfect, but not necessary.  On the left you have a beautiful beach leading to water that doesn't look that bad.  The deeper you go into this water it gets darker and darker till your so deep you can't escape.  The two bodies of water describe the majority of lives today.  Some days we're in a "spiritual" mood and dip out toes in the blue water.  Sometimes this leads to wading in to our waist.  Other days we don't want any part of God and find ourselves wandering in the dark waters.  What God wants is our all, He wants us to dive in the deep end of the clear blue waters.  Totally immersed in God's word and in His service.  If you want to know God's viewpoint on fence walking then read this.  Revelation 3 14-22  “And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: ‘The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's creation. ‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot!   So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.  For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.   I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see.  Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent.  Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne.  He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’” 
Don't be caught on the fence, pick a side...preferably God's side and give it your all.

This evening Tina and I were invited to a worship session.  We praised God with a trio worship band from Quincy, Illinois.  The frontman was Brandon Jones, a young man we've known since he was a pre-K.  We learned new praise songs, heard God's word read by middle schoolers and was given a message from a young man who had never spoken in public before.  It was amazing.  God didn't speak, he screamed.  Let me tell you a quick story about Brandon.  It was August of 1991, I had just arrived in Indiana after 6 years of the Navy.  Tina signed us up to lead a class in the church VBS program.  I can't tell you how many kids were in that class but I can tell you of one young 4 year old.  This little man had an answer for everything, the wrong one.  He had so much energy he never sat down, and loved to hide.  After the first night she and I had to have a word with his parents.  The advice we got from his dad was "thump him on the head and sit on him".  Thankfully it never got bad enough to thump and sit.  Brandon was one of those kids you couldn't help but love.  God took hold of this young man and is doing great things through him. 

I got schooled from the students and I loved it.  God spoke to me through 2 young men that I had the priviledge of teaching years ago.  Training up the next generation is our responsibility.  Thank you Jesus for the opportunity.

Go gettum guys...



Friday, June 15, 2012

Mr. Modlin lives in Virginia

A couple weeks ago I wrote about the most wonderful women to ever walk the planet, my mom.  Since mom is now in Heaven my wife of nearly 22 years has graciously stepped in.  Well...I don't want to get into reproduction, but, it does take two to make a family.  This week I want to tell you a little about my dad.  There's so much I could say about the man that helped me develop this flawless sense of humor, taught me the importance in relationships and most importantly, serving God. 

To say my dad knows all about hard work is an understatement.  In High School dad was voted "Most Likely to Succeed".  After school he ventured to Atlanta Christian College where he met a petite southern belle named Mary Dale Mabry.  Circumstances led him to join the Army and serve in Korea.  In July of 1960 he and mom were married.  If I thought about it hard enough I might be able to come up with all the different jobs dad has held.  Those jobs range from Policeman to produce manager to his now favorite job...truck stop attendant.  Dad has officially retired from 2 careers and is still going strong.  I can tell you if it weren't for dad I wouldn't have spoken to the Navy recruiter, and you already know that story.  Dad taught me that hard work pays off.  He taught me that people should be treated with dignity and respect and that the next person you meet will be the most important person you meet that day.  Relationship, relationship, relationship.  I forgot to mention that dad served as a Deacon and for a couple years he and mom travelled and sang together.

I've got to share this story with you.  During my High School years dad worked in a different city and would come home on the weekends.  It made things a little rough but we adapted and survived.  During my Junior year dad took time off of work to visit the recruiters offices with me.  We actually filled out and signed papers that day.  He was as excited about living on a Nuclear Submarine and working on Nuclear Missiles as I was.  I reported to boot camp in July of '85 then went to Sub school for a couple months followed by my "C" school which taught me how to service Missiles (I know...sweet!).  I had been in the military for nearly 2 years before reporting to my first permanent duty station.  Seeing I was a little nervous and anxious dad took time off and drove with me to Charleston, SC.  The first thing we did when arriving to Charleston was we found a church.  Dad knew that would help me more than anything to have a church family around me, he was right.  Not too long after that I was watching the Greyhound bus pull out taking dad back to Waynesboro.  Mission accomplished.

I think dad's classmates nailed it on the head.  Dad was very successful.  All three sons involved in churches, one as a full time minister.  Success isn't measured with money or promotions.  True success happens in the home. 

Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”  This is the scripture I think of when talking about my dad.

Love ya dad!


God doesn't have call waiting

It's kind of amazing, kind of funny but mostly I just feel in awe of God's power.  God never fails, each week He gives me something to blog about, this week was no different.  This week I received inspiration from my oldest daughter.  My wife and daughter were standing in the doorway of our tv room.  I was getting ready to leave for work when I asked this simple question.  What should I blog about this week?  My wife came through like a champ last week but this week Amanda showed up.  Why don't you just randomly open the bible and write about what you find?  So I did. 

When I opened my bible I came to Acts 16.  Here's a link to this chapter  (Acts chapter 16 )

We have two really neat stories in this chapter.  First we're introduced to a young Jewish man named Timothy.  Timothy, the name that will always be synonymous with Lay ministers that receive training then go out to do God's work elsewhere.  The same Timothy that received the letters of 1st and 2nd Timothy from the Apostle Paul which gave us the prerequisites for church leadership.  A young man, that even though his father was a heathen Greek, answered the call to join Paul in the ministry.  A young man that was so devoted to teaching and preaching the word of God that he allowed Paul to circumcise him so he would be accepted by the Jews.  Not to get off subject, but, if I had to wait till I was a young man to get wouldn't have happened. 

The second short story begins in verse 16 and goes through the end of the chapter, verse 40.  In this story we find Paul and Silas travelling and doing God's work in Phillipi.  While travelling around they were followed by a young lady said to have powers of fortune telling.  It tells us that Paul became annoyed with the young lady, he turned to her and in the name of Jesus Christ drive out a spirit that had occupied her.  The young ladies owner wasn't too happy that Paul had taken away his money maker so he had them (Paul and Silas) thrown in jail.  How crazy does that sound?  Thrown in jail for doing a good thing...casting out a demon.  This isn't the end of the story though.  While in jail Paul and Silas are praying and singing when an earthquake opened up the cell doors and released their shackles...that's cool.  The jailer was about to kill himself for losing his prisoners when Paul cried out telling him that they were still there.  The jailer then asked Paul and Silas what must he do to be saved.  That night the jailer and his family accepted Christ as their savoir and were baptized.  Whoa.  So doing the right thing Paul and Silas were beaten, wrongfully accused and thrown in jail; through this a man and his family came to know Christ.

All this in one chapter.  I guess when God calls the answer is "yes", not "hold on a minute".  I really needed to read this again, thanks Amanda.



Friday, June 1, 2012

Being Gods pinky toe

If you read my blog last week I wrote about how the church is made up of the people...not a building.  This week I wanted to go a little deeper and try to explain more. 

I help out when I can with Sunday morning Junior High classes.  I've been working with the same bunch of young men for 2 years now.  We try to teach them how to serve and what service looks like.  My favorite example is always the pinky toe of God.  If we are the body of Christ as mentioned in the book of 1st Corinthians then each of us has a role to play.  Someone has to be the pinky toe of the body.  So is this an important role?  Let's talk about the importance of the pinky toe for a minute.  The pinky toe, or the little toe, has a purpose: It affects your ability to balance. When you are walking, running or step onto an uneven surface, your foot deals with this by changing its orientation and its shape. All of your toes play a role in maintaining your balance, even though the pinky toe does not play the most important role. The little toe is not as critical as your other toes. You could get along without it, although you would have to adapt to the new configuration of your foot.  Even though your body could still function without its pinky toe you'd need therapy to relearn how to walk and run.  You may need a little therapy to get over how your foot looks without it too.  So what would the role of the pinky toe look like on the body of God?  How about a teachers helper?  Not a crucial role but very helpful for the teachers in keeping the class on track and in control.  I see this as kind of a stepping stone (nice play on words) to a bigger role in serving God.

In the past I've tried to become several things at once...that doesn't work too well.  In a previous church my wife and I served in I filled the roles of Deacon, Trustee, Sunday School Teacher, Youth Sponsor, Worship Team member, Committee Chairperson, Chairman of the Board...all at the same time.  Later I accepted a position as an Elder.  I was what I like to call a "Professional Christian".  Someone who thinks the more they serve the closer to God they'll become.  If having more stress in your life makes you feel closer to God then have at it.  Have you heard the 90/10 rule?  Some people like to say 80/20 instead.  This means that 90% of the work being done in the church is being performed by 10% of its members.  I think the 90/10 is the most accurate, the 80/20 probably applies to smaller churches. 

Here's a hard thought to swallow.  God could do it without you.  Do what you may ask...  Grow His kingdom.  God could do it all, He could plant the desire to worship Him into all mankind.  How would you like to be a Christian Robot?  God created us to worship Him, but, He also gave us free will.  This means that we choose to love Him and obey Him.  It tells us in Exodus 20 that God is a jealous God.  Exodus 20 4-6  “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.  You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments."  I don't know about you, but a God who has the power to do anything He wants, command the wind to blow the grass in the fields and can speak a universe into existence deserves my praise and service.  Who knows, maybe after a few years of being God's pinky toe I'll graduate to spleen.

Keep serving God, we are His hands and feet.

