Friday, June 15, 2012

God doesn't have call waiting

It's kind of amazing, kind of funny but mostly I just feel in awe of God's power.  God never fails, each week He gives me something to blog about, this week was no different.  This week I received inspiration from my oldest daughter.  My wife and daughter were standing in the doorway of our tv room.  I was getting ready to leave for work when I asked this simple question.  What should I blog about this week?  My wife came through like a champ last week but this week Amanda showed up.  Why don't you just randomly open the bible and write about what you find?  So I did. 

When I opened my bible I came to Acts 16.  Here's a link to this chapter  (Acts chapter 16 )

We have two really neat stories in this chapter.  First we're introduced to a young Jewish man named Timothy.  Timothy, the name that will always be synonymous with Lay ministers that receive training then go out to do God's work elsewhere.  The same Timothy that received the letters of 1st and 2nd Timothy from the Apostle Paul which gave us the prerequisites for church leadership.  A young man, that even though his father was a heathen Greek, answered the call to join Paul in the ministry.  A young man that was so devoted to teaching and preaching the word of God that he allowed Paul to circumcise him so he would be accepted by the Jews.  Not to get off subject, but, if I had to wait till I was a young man to get wouldn't have happened. 

The second short story begins in verse 16 and goes through the end of the chapter, verse 40.  In this story we find Paul and Silas travelling and doing God's work in Phillipi.  While travelling around they were followed by a young lady said to have powers of fortune telling.  It tells us that Paul became annoyed with the young lady, he turned to her and in the name of Jesus Christ drive out a spirit that had occupied her.  The young ladies owner wasn't too happy that Paul had taken away his money maker so he had them (Paul and Silas) thrown in jail.  How crazy does that sound?  Thrown in jail for doing a good thing...casting out a demon.  This isn't the end of the story though.  While in jail Paul and Silas are praying and singing when an earthquake opened up the cell doors and released their shackles...that's cool.  The jailer was about to kill himself for losing his prisoners when Paul cried out telling him that they were still there.  The jailer then asked Paul and Silas what must he do to be saved.  That night the jailer and his family accepted Christ as their savoir and were baptized.  Whoa.  So doing the right thing Paul and Silas were beaten, wrongfully accused and thrown in jail; through this a man and his family came to know Christ.

All this in one chapter.  I guess when God calls the answer is "yes", not "hold on a minute".  I really needed to read this again, thanks Amanda.



1 comment:

Jill Tucker said...

Thank you Amanda and Tony!!! I am finding God in this passage speaking to me about the price of obedience, trusting to God to have a plan from start to finish and praising in without waivering regardless of how events take a turn. Needed that today!